Lend your VOICE to getting the word out about harmful chemical products. If you don't - it may not get out.
photo courtesy EcoWatch/EPA |
EcoWatch posted an artilce today on an EPA announcement that they have ordered a SSURO on ZEP Formula 165 dissinfectant. The report from EPA stated,
In addition to this announcement, the article reveals the laxity of EPA's ability to keep up with the load of testing and reporting the products that need verification of their efficacy and product advertising claims, within the ATP parameters.
This article only covers Insecticides. What of the many other chemicals that are NOT insecticides? Are we to assume they are held any different? Up to PAR? Very doubtful.
The article goes on to state,
"...according to the OIG report, “EPA does not have a strategy for informing hospitals and other likely end-users of failed test results or when enforcement actions are taken.” It simply relies on posting a notice to the ATP website. This means that ineffective products that can potentially be of risk to public health often remain in use by hospitals and health professionals."
Thus, the REPORTING that is essential for industry and populace alike, is reliant upon:
- Entities that could be fined to check out their own culpability
- Entities that could be fined for selling and shipping to check their own culpability
- Entities that could be harmed or even killed - by exposure - to check out their own safety
This is a lot of assumption that the entities would act with PAR: Personal Action Responsibility (PAR). Which is NOT PAR-for-the-course of most people and definitely NOT PAR for entities who are responsible for the violations.
Therefore, reporting of the vital-to-public-safety findings is left to those who are willing to dig, post, cry-aloud and report to the public. And where it can do the most good - in the forum of public opinion! - let the corporations hear - publicly- of their own culpability by letting them know ...WE KNOW.
Check on it regularly and post in your blogs, Pinterests, Facebook, Twitter, or other social medai and online outlets. As well, put the information in front of organizations, groups and news outlets as you have opportunity.
Never assume the news agencies are looking at this material, let alone regularly reporting it.
This is a PAR moment. If we don't take on some of the responsibility - as we are able - then if and when we are hit with the results of our own laxity, we have only ourselves to blame.
Keep on PAR.